
Welcome to the Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting & Human Trafficking online training.

A Guide for Title X Family Planning Service Providers in New Mexico.

Please Note The Following Program Requirements for Title X Family Planning Projects Before Beginning This Course:

[Title X Program Requirement 9.12 "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no provider of services under Title X of the Public Health Service Act shall be exempt from any State law requiring notification or the reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, or incest."]

© The New Mexico Department of Health

Let's Begin!

Getting Started

The purpose of this course is to provide Title X providers with an overview of some pertinent federal and NM consent, confidentiality, and child abuse/negelect and human trafficling reporting laws and is not intended to take the place of your agency protocols or federal and state laws.

This training does not address the confidentiality and reporting laws that may apply in other service settings, such as schools, or with other patient populations, such as dependent adults.

Important Information | Title X grantees are responsible for the training of all project staff

Check Your Knowledge!

Question One: Title X proviers are required to complete routine training on involving family members in the decision of minors to seek Title X services and on counseling minors on how to resist being coerced into engaging in sexual activities.

True False

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Question Two: Title X providers are required to complete routine training of staff on Federal/State requirements for reporting or notification of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape or incest, as well as on human trafficking.

True False

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Lesson Menu

Lesson One


Adolescence is a time of experimentation and risk taking. Developmentally adolescents are at a crossroads of health. Emerging cognitive abilities and social experiences lead adolescents to question adult values and experiment with health risk behaviors. Some behaviors threaten current health, while other behaviors may have long-term health consequences. The changes in cognitive abilities, however, offer an opportunity to develop attitudes and lifestyles that enhance health and well-being.

Reference:American Medical Association, Guidelines for Adolescent Preventative Services.


Lesson One

Importance of Title X Services for Adolescents

Adolescents in the U.S. must continue to have access to affordable and confidential family planning services.

  1. Although there have been declines in teen pregnancy rates, due in part to contraceptive use, the United States still has one of the highest rates in the industrialized world.
  2. Adolescents and young adults are at a higher risk for acquiring sexually transmissible infections (STIs) than other adults, and teens account for one-quarter of the approximate15 million new STI cases in this country each year.
  3. Yet, high costs, lack of access and concerns about confidentiality keep teens from seeking health services that are crucial to their well-being.

References 1. Teen pregnancy: trends and lessons learned, 2002 Issues in Brief 1, The Alan Guttmacher Institute, April 2002. 2. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance, Tracking the hidden epidemics, Trends in STDs in the United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September 2002. 3. Zabin, L.S. and Clark, S.D., Why they delay: a study of teenage family planning clinic patients, Vol. 13, No. 5, Family Planning Perspectives.

Did You Know?
  • More than half of U.S. women have intercourse before their 17th birthday.
  • Publically funded family planning services help approx. 386,000 teenagers avoid pregnancy each year.
  • In the U.S., teenage girls aged 15-19 have the highest rates of infection for both chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Nearly 80% of teen pregnacies in the U.S. are unplanned.


Lesson One


The Title X program eliminates many of the obstacles that prevent teens from accessing reproductive health-care services. Title X funds health-care facilities across the country to provide low-cost and confidential services for adolescents and adults. Currently, minors can obtainTitle X services without parental consent or notification in most circumstances. Research has highlighted the importance of confidentiality to teens' willingness to seek care.

Under the law, minors can access services without notification or consent of parents or guardians. The cost of Title X services is based on the income of the minor, not the parents. While confidentiality is required, Title X programs must, to the extent possible, encourage family participation.

Requirements regarding confidential services for individuals regardless of age are stipulated in Title X regulations 42 CFR, 59.5(a)(4) 59.11 and repeated in the Title X Program Requirements:


Lesson One


Every project must have safeguards to ensure client confidentiality. Information obtained by the project staff about an individual receiving services may not be disclosed without the individual's documented consent, except as required by law or as may be necessary to provide services to the individual, with appropriate safeguards for confidentiality. Information may otherwise be disclosed only in summary, statistical, or other form that does not identify the individual (42 CFR 59.11).

While clinics must comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which permits disclosure of certain protected health information (PHI), the Title X regulations are more stringent and do not allow the disclosure of information about individuals receiving services through the Title X except:

Did You Know?

With respect to reproductive health, what did the JAMA study in 2002 find?

With respect to reproductive health care, specifically, a 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study found that almost half of sexually active teens (47%) visiting a family planning clinic would stop using clinic services if their parents were notified that they were seeking birth control, and another 11% reported that they would delay testing or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or HIV.

Virtually all (99%), however, reported that they would continue having sex.

Check Your Knowledge!

Which of the following are true about Title X regulations regarding the disclosure of information about individuals receiving services through Title X?

A. With Documented Consent B. To Provide Services to the Client C. As Required by Law D. Both A & C E. All of the Above

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.


Lesson One


Teens are growing and changing...

Teens are among the most vulnerable to sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual coercion. As a Title X provider, you probably work with a number of adolescents. They experience enormous growth and change - physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.

These changes affect how they respond to peers and adults, how they absorb and apply information, and how they make decisions. Familiarity with stages of adolescent development will help you connect with your teens clients and deliver the best health care possible.

Developmental Changes

Click Here to read the "Facts for Families" artice from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, then check your knowledge about the artice below.

Check Your Knowledge!

Developmental changes during adolescence include which of the following?

Social Emotional Physical Behavioral Cognitive All of the Above

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.


Lesson One

Identifying With Your Teen Clients

To provide quality health care, you need to connect and identify with your clients on some level. You may or may not find it especially challenging to communicate with pre-teens and teens. Sometimes it can be difficult for adults to understand why teens communicate, respond, or make decisions the way they do - and vise versa.

You may come from a different era and environment than the adolescent whom you serve. On the other hand, you probably have some shared experiences that can help you identify with decisions these teens face. It is your responsibility as the adult provider to make the effort to connect. The better you can connect with your client, the better you will "get" each other, and your job will be a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.


Lesson One

Establish a Rapport With the Client

Strategies to achieve these goals include: (PATH OPEN)


Lesson One

6 Steps for Counseling Teens in Title X Clinics

Step One

Confidentiality is essential in services to minors. Interview the client alone. Discuss the policy on confidentiality and its limits by reviewing the Parental/Family Involvement form (as part of the Consent for Family Planning Services form) with the minor.

  • Emphasize that anything your client discusses with you is held in strict confidence (meaning that you discuss nothing about them with anyone unless you have their permission to do so).
  • Also mention that the exception is if you believe that they are/have been abused or neglected.

Step Two

Clinical staff will encourage minors who seek Title X services to consider family participation in their decision. Explain that the client has the right to choose to do so or not.

  • If the client agrees to parent/family involvement, have her/him sign the Parental/Family Involvement in Services form, indicating that the appropriate clinical staff (Nurse, CNM, NP, PA, MD) may answer any inquiries from her/his parent about the information on the minor client's record.
  • If the client does not want parent, family, or legal guardian involvement, have her/him sign the form choosing confidentiality and flag the medical record. This means that, when talking to the parent, guardian, or custodian, you respect the child's confidentiality except to the extent that the child has given you permission to share information with the parent, guardian, or custodian.

Step Three

Provide counseling to minors on how to resist attempts to be coerced into engaging in sexual activity. Staff may use a Title X brochure about sexual coercion.

Step Four

Collect alternate contact information to further clarify how the client wants to be contacted. Staff should consider documenting the client's preferred contact information in the medical record so it is readily available for other clinic staff to view and use in the future.

Step Five

Review and have the client sign the form annually for any services given to minors, and file the form in the medical record. The form is not necessary once the client reaches age 18.

Step Six

If the parent brings the minor client to clinic, a note in the client's record should read:

  • Parent in conference and/or exam; or,
  • Parent present at clinic, but did not participate in conference and/or exam.


Lesson One

Counseling Teens

When providing basic healthcare, health counseling, and education to an adolescent, it is important to keep in mind where he/she is in terms of their emotional, intellectual, and social development. Meeting a client "where he/she is" is important.

Consider the following general points when working with a teen:

What Works: What Does NOT Work:

Check Your Knowledge!

What does this mean for you as you are talking with a young client?

Offer straightforward lecture as you educate your patient Avoid using complex medical jargon and acknowledge the potential for pressure from peers/partners Create a formal setting in the exam room so client knows you are the expert. Focus on the long-term and how their choices will effect them at 60

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I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.


Lesson One

Minors and Coercion

Sexual coercion among teens is a serious public health issue. Dating violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and unhealthy relationships are too common. The majority of these incidents go unreported, leading some teens to believe sexual coercion is an acceptable part of sexual behavior.

When screening for coercion, be aware of time. Do not ignore a situation or start a conversation that cannot be finished in the allowed time. Ask open-ended questions to allow for unanticipated and multiple answers. Phrase questions in a neutral way, and be mindful of your tone of voice and body language. If the client feels the practitioner is disapproving they will shut down.

Also, ask specific questions about sexual coercion, including:

Listen carefully, validate feelings, and offer tangible help.


Lesson One

Screening and Assessing for Abuse

A client who does not initially appear to be at risk of being harmed may be the very client who is suffering. That is why screening is so important. It involves asking questions that allow you a peek inside your client's world - beyond the medical exam.

Screening helps you determine if there are circumstances that may be reportable. This should be part of your session with every client, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, education, or socio-economic status.

If a client denies sexual coercion but you are still concerned, some suggestions for what to do next are:

It helps to use a gentle tone and a balance between fairly direct and open-ended questions. Avoid "leading" your client to the answer he/she thinks you want to hear.


Lesson One

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Ask open-ended questions - questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" response. You will get a lot more information, especially if a client is a bit nervous and distrustful, closed questions will likely solicit one-word answers and limited information.



Lesson One

Caring and Empathy

Always express caring and empathy, no matter what your client's concerns are. Whether he/she talks about an ill family member, feeling embarrassed about his/her body, or violence or abuse, he/she needs to know you care.

Abuse survivors in particular often feel ashamed, and it can be difficult to open up to someone who does not seem appropriately compassionate. Maintaining an objective demeanor can make a client feel unimportant, and expressing horror or shock can make the client feel fearful or intimidated.


How much a client continues to share depends largely on his judgment of your response.


Knowledge Check

Lesson One Knowledge Check

Question 1:

Based on what you have learned in this section, which of the following would be GOOD examples of questions that you could ask your client?

What is your relationship with your family like? How close do you feel to them? Does anyone else know you are here with me today? If you have had romantic relationships or sexual experiences, tell me what they have been like for you. Have any of your sexual experiences been uncomfortable or confusing for you? Or, has anyone ever touched private parts of your body in a way that made you uncomfortable or confused? (You might want to specify and use the words "breasts", "vagina", "penis", etc.) What do you know about - or have experience with - in using protection? Have you ever experienced pregnancy or STI, or had a "scare"? All of the Above

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Question 2:

Javier is 14, lives in an urban neighborhood in New Mexico with his mom and two younger sisters, and is a freshman at a public high school. He will be playing on the baseball team this year, and comes into your clinic alone for a sports physical exam. Which is the better way to approach Javier?

"Hi, Javier. I'm glad you came in today. Let's spend some time talking about your physical health, sexual activity, and any kind of abuse you might be experiencing today, ok?" "Hi, Javier. I'm glad you came in to see me today. Let's spend a little time together talking about your general health, your reasons for coming in today, and anything else that might come up, ok?"

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Question 3:

Which is an example of an open-ended question? Hint: An open-endeded question facilitates two-way communication.

"Javier, how would you describe what your relationship is like?" "Javier, do you have any relationship problems with her?"

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Question 4:

After some time, Javier reveals more about his relationship. He has been repeatedly pressured and threatened into having sex with an 18 year old neighbor girl. He did not want to have sex the first time and did not like it. He often tries to avoid her. At the same time, he feels like, as a guy, he is "supposed" to want sex; so he usually gives in when she comes on to him. He is very confused, feels like what is happening goes against his personal, family, and religious values, and wishes it would stop. How should you respond to what Javier has shared with you?

" I see. What's happening is against the law here in New Mexico. I must remind you that, given what you just shared, I'll need to put in a call to the authorities." "What?!! I cannot believe she would do that to you! That's so horrible! I would feel so violated if I were you." "That must be a really tough and confusing thing to experience. I'm concerned about you, and I'm glad you told me so that we can take steps to keep this from happening."

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.

Question 5:

Javier's situation, like many others you encounter in your clinic, naturally raises strong reactions and feelings for most of us. It is important to pay close attention to these reactions and to keep our personal values out of the picture. You can be objective, professional, and compassionate all at the same time. What is the most important message that you should convey to Javier?

He should look out for himself and try harder to avoid spending time with that girl. What is happening is not his fault. It is important to forgive and move on. Abstinence is the best choice for someone his age.

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect, this can be tough. Javier said he has tried to limit his time with her. he needs more guidance and support, including skills and strategies to resist sexual coercion; you can help him with this.

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect. Javier is going through a rough time and needs support. His situation is more complex than just forgiving and letting go. This is an important time to help him develop skills and strategies to resist sexual coercion.

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect. This statement may make Javier feel judged and at fault. He feels like he is powerless in this situation; discussing your personal feelings about abstinence is not appropriate right now. He needs you to validate his feelings and help him to develop skills and strategies to resist sexual coercion.


Lesson One

Lesson One Conclusion

Let us assume that you have had a thorough discussion with Javier; have encouraged him to talk with his mom; and have counseled him on ways to resist sexual coercion. You have reminded him of the limits to confidentiality that you talked about earlier. You have also let him know that you can make referrals if he or his mom wants further resources.

You also need to ask yourself:

If you are not sure how to answer the question, refer back to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect or talk with your immediate supervisor.


This concludes Lesson One, please use the Lesson Menu button and move onto Lesson Two.


Lesson Two

Sexual Activity and Abuse

Guiding Principles

Some guidelines for practitioners in assessing the presence of abuse or suspected abuse follow below.

Reference: (Position Paper of the AAFP, AAP, ACOG, and SAM, Journal of Adolescent Health 2004:35:420-423

These guidelines include the following:


Where Do I Find NM's Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Rules?

Mandated reporting obligations can stem from multiple legal sources — state statutes, state regulations, case law, and attorney general opinions, among others. A good place to start your search is with your state statutes.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) maintains a database that makes it easy to find your state mandated child abuse reporting statutes. This source only links to state reporting statutes. It does not always reference other relevant state statutes that may be helpful or necessary to understanding reporting obligations, such as criminal codes, nor does it reference state regulations, case law or other sources of reporting obligations.

Resources: DHHS State Statutes Database: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/systemwide/laws-policies/state/?hasBeenRedirected=1
TIP: State statutes may not be the only source of reportng rules in your state. In some states, a court or attorney general opinion or an agency directive may help shape interpretation of the law and ultimately reporting obligations. It can be helpful to discuss this with legal counsel.


Lesson Two


Familiarize Yourself with NM Legal Requirements regarding notification or reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, or incest.

32A-4-2B | "abused child" means:

  1. who has suffered or who is at risk of suffering serious harm because of the action or inaction of the child's parent, guardian or custodian
  2. who has suffered physical abuse, emotional abuse or psychological abuse inflicted or caused by the child's parent, guardian or custodian
  3. who has suffered sexual abuse or sexual exploitation inflicted by the child's parent, guardian or custodian.
  4. whose parent, guardian or custodian has knowingly, intentionally or negligently placed the child in a situation that may endanger the child's life or health or
  5. whose parent, guardian or custodian has knowingly or intentionally tortured, cruelly confined or cruelly punished the child

32A-4-2E | "neglected child" means:

  1. who has been abandoned by the child's parent, guardian or custodian;
  2. who is without proper parental care and control or subsistence, education, medical or other care or control necessary for the child's well-being because of the faults or habits of the child's parent, guardian or custodian or the failure or refusal of the parent, guardian or custodian, when able to do so, to provide them;
  3. who has been physically or sexually abused, when the child's parent, guardian or custodian knew or should have known of the abuse and failed to take reasonable steps to protect the child from further harm;
  4. whose parent, guardian or custodian is unable to discharge that person's responsibilities to and for the child because of incarceration, hospitalization or physical or mental disorder or incapacity; or
  5. who has been placed for care or adoption in violation of the law; provided that nothing in the Children's Code [ 1978] shall be construed to imply that a child who is being provided with treatment by spiritual means alone through prayer, in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination, by a duly accredited practitioner thereof is for that reason alone a neglected child within the meaning of the Children's Code; and further provided that no child shall be denied the protection afforded to all children under the Children's Code;

32A-1-4B | Under the NM Children's Code, ''child'' means:

A person who is less than 18 years old.

32A-4-2G | Sexual Abuse NMSA 1978 states that "sexual abuse" includes, but is not limited to:

Criminal sexual penetration, criminal sexual contact, or statutory rape by someone other than the parent/guardian/custodian may be neglect if the parent, guardian or custodian knew or should have known of the abuse and failed to take reasonable steps to protect the child from further harm.


Lesson Two

The fact that a child is sexually active or contemplating sexual activity does not automatically mean that the child's parents are neglectful or abusive. Neither does the fact that a child is having a sexual relationship with somebody somewhat older necessarily indicate that a child is abused or neglected by the parent/guardian/custodian. Parental knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of a minor's voluntary sexual activity does not necessarily give rise to reasonable suspicion of abuse or neglect. Practitioners are under no legal obligation to ask a client who presents themselves for family planning services about the age(s) of any sexual partner(s).

Although New Mexico courts have not spoken on the issue of voluntary teen sexual activity, other state courts have held that most cases of voluntary teen sexual activity do not give rise to reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect. When a health provider does not have a reasonable suspicion or knowledge of child abuse or neglect by the parent/guardian/custodian, then there may be no legal basis to breach a patient's confidentiality by filing a report with CYFD or law enforcement.


Lesson Two

What If I Am Not Sure That Abuse/neglect Has Occurred?

Confirmation of abuse is NOT required.

The mandatory reporting statute (NMSA 1978, 32A-4-3) requires mandatory reporting of abusive or neglectful parent(s)/guardian(s)/custodian(s) when the reporter "knows or has reasonable suspicion that a child is an abused or neglected child." (NMSA 1978, 32A-4-3).


Lesson Two

What's next?

A. Follow your agency's guidelines/protocols for reporting abuse/neglect.
B. Abuse/Neglect must be documented in the client's record.
C. All clinics must have a mechanism in place to track reports made, for example a log.
D. When in doubt as to whether the NM legal requirements apply to your client's situation, consult with your clinician, supervisor, Regional Health Officer and/or agency's legal counsel.

Remember to Document, Document, DOCUMENT!

Documentation Considerations:


Lesson Two

New Mexico Duty to Report Child Abuse and Neglect

Every person, including a licensed physician; a medical resident or an intern examining, attending, or treating a child; a law enforcement officer; a judge presiding during a proceeding; a registered nurse; a visiting nurse; a school teacher; a school official; a social worker acting in an official capacity; or a member of the clergy who has information that is not privileged as a matter of law, who knows or has a reasonable suspicion that a child is an abused or a neglected child, shall report the matter immediately to:

  1. A local law enforcement agency;
  2. The department (CYFD's child abuse/neglect hotline: 1-855-333-7233); or
  3. A tribal law enforcement or social services agency for any Indian child residing in Indian country.


Lesson Two

The following is a list of information that must be given when reporting

  1. Names and addresses of the child and child's parents, guardian, or custodian
  2. The child's age
  3. Nature and extent of child's injuries and any evidence of prior injury
  4. Identity of person responsible for the injuries
  5. Any other information that might be helpful such as street address, SS#, names of other professionals in contact with the child, past history of the child or the family, child's affect or disability, history of domestic violence, substance abuse/mental illness, or criminal activity

Anyone reporting an instance if alleged child neglect or abuse or participating in a judicial proceeding brought as a result of a report required by the reporting laws is presumed to be acting in good faith and shall be immune from civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed by the law, unless the person acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose.

(N.M. Stat. Ann. §32A-4-5(B) (Michie 1995)


This concludes Lesson Two, please use the Lesson Menu button and move onto the final lesson, Lesson Three.


Lesson Three

Human Trafficking

As part of the requirement that grantees comply with all applicable Federal laws, grantees are reminded that they must comply with Federal anti-trafficking laws, including the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. No. 106-386), as amended and 18 U.S.C 1591. Noncompliance with these laws may result in the disallowance of Title X funds, or the suspension of the Title X grant award.

What is Human Trafficking?


Lesson Three

There are Three Categories of Human Trafficking:

  1. Minors involved in commercial sex.
  2. Those 18 or over involved in commercial sex via force, fraud, or coercion.
  3. Adults or minors in forced labor, services or involuntary servitude via force, fraud, or coercion.


Lesson Three

If you think you have come across a case of trafficking or have identified a trafficking victim:

New Mexico Human Trafficking hotline 505-GET-FREE (call or text)

More information about the definition of human trafficking is available at NMSA 1978, §30-52-1.


Lesson Three

Human trafficking victims found in the state shall be eligible for benefits and services from the state until the victim qualifies for benefits and services authorized by the federal Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000; provided that the victim cooperates in the investigation or prosecution of the person charged with the crime of human trafficking. Benefits and services shall be provided to eligible human trafficking victims regardless of immigration status and may include:

NMSA 30-52-5. Human Trafficking; Benefits and Services for Human Trafficking Victims

  1. case management;
  2. emergency temporary housing;
  3. health care;
  4. mental health counseling;
  5. drug addiction screening and treatment;
  6. language interpretation, translation services and English language instruction;
  7. job training, job placement assistance and post-employment services for job retention;
  8. services to assist the victim and the victim's family members; or
  9. other general assistance services and benefits as determined by the children, youth and families department.


Lesson Three

What Would You Do?

Scenario: A Title X provider believes that an adult patient is involved in forced labor.

Counsel the patient and encourage the patient to report the human trafficking activities to law enforcement If the patient gives a written consent, the provider can contact law enforcement Since the client is an adult, nothing is needs to be done by the provider Both A & B

Right! Good Job!

I'm Sorry, That's Incorrect.


Lesson Three

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this course.

When your ready to take the Final Assessment follow the example provided below that illustrates the 4 steps to take the Assessment by marking this course complete. You can also print this page to keep the steps handy while you complete them if necessary.

Step 1

After you close this training, you will see the screen shown above, click on the Home button highlighted in blue found in the top left of the screen.

Step 2

From the Home sreen you will see your Dashboard on the right hand side of the screen, click on the My Learning tab and click on the course you just took which will be highlighted in blue.

Step 3

Confirm that you have completed reviewing this course by clicking the Completed button.

Step 4

The system will then prompt you to begin the quiz by clicking the Assessment button.

Good Luck!
